Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2017.11.07.

««« 2017.11.06.
2017.11.08. »»»



Tajvanban a JTBC Carefree Traveler című műsorának második forgatási napján vett részt.



韓綜《團結才能火》花蓮空軍基地旁開空拍機 警察怒罰

2017年11月07日 11:14












【遊台Day2不斷更新】Rain衝饒河夜市 太魯閣遭阿珠媽嗆聲

建立時間:2017/11/07 23:57










Rain一行人在大安路忠孝東路口的 Bistro98下車,前往3F 「兩餐」韓國年糕火鍋 299吃到飽餐廳吃飯。他們餐廳內大啖家鄉味,包含韓式炒飯、年糕鍋、各式炸物,全部都可以吃到撐,也讓在外奔波一天的工作人員,暫時能休息一下。






12:57 花蓮車站用空拍機遭檢舉




眾人抵達花蓮車站,被韓國旅客包圍,也吸引外國背包客駐足行注目禮,有民眾喊「Welcome to Taiwan」。他們看到熱情民眾迎接,難掩驚訝,但對熱情歡呼聲都未作回應。















Rain(牛仔外套者)晚間吃完晚餐,從忠孝東路的 Bistro98離開。特勤組攝




by Kamila625

Rain shooting Carefree Travelers in Taiwan – Day 2

On the second day (7 November), Rain and the whole crew visited Taroko Gorge in Hualian County. They stopped by the Swallow Grotto, Cimu Bridge, Yue Fei Pavilion and other important sightseeing spots. Because there were large crowds of tourists, the road was often blocked. The film crew members kept asking people to make them some space for the shooting. One Korean “ahjuma” (older lady) was irritated and told them: “We are here for sightseeing, we do not care about your shooting.” But even more people were trying to take pictures of the celebrities, even risking their lives climbing upon the cliff, which made the staff shouting at them “Be careful!” At around 9 evening they arrived to the Raohe Night Street Market to take a walk around. At the end of their short visit they stopped under the decorated archway of the night market to take a picture together.

They departed at 7 a.m. from their hotel and headed to the Songshan train station (in Taipei) to take the Tsu Chiang Express train to Hualian. The crew kept shooting the program even on the train, but later they all caught up on getting some sleep. The lunch was arranged in Parkview hotel and restaurant in Hualian and then the group continued towards the Taroko National Park, where they had to put on safety helmets to take a walk around the scenic area and enjoy the beautiful sights. The production team used a drone during the shooting. 

They arrived to the train station at 7:40. Because there were quite a lot of Korean tourists, the five of them caused a serious uproar in the station, many freshly graduated students who came to Taiwan to travel wanted to take pictures. Rain was wearing a yellow Gucci T-shirt with a light blue denim jacket and looked very handsome. He and other members of the show and tourists from their group listened carefully to the guide’s explanations about the history of railway in Taiwan and then they used the escalator leading to the platform. As soon as the Korean tourists discovered it was the crew of the Carefree Travelers, they shouted in excitement and it was evident that the program is very popular in Korea.

Rain started to do the recording for the show, but many locals and foreign tourists wanted to take pictures of him, so he quickly put on his sun glasses. Even though he looked very handsome and fresh despite getting up early in the morning, he couldn’t resist taking a little nap. The star daddy wanted to prepare properly for his second day in Taiwan. The whole group consisted of 12 tourists and more than 20 filming crew members. Yesterday they used two tourist buses, but today the two buses went each their own way. The first one brought the whole group to the train station, while the other one went directly to Hualian to pick them up there. Due to the construction works on the road to Hualian some restriction applied for the tourist buses, therefore they decided to travel by train.

The whole group arrived to Hualian station and they were immediately encircled by groups of Korean tourists. It aroused the curiosity of several foreign backpackers too. Someone even shouted: “Welcome to Taiwan.” Everybody was very surprised, when they saw the warm welcome, but they didn’t respond to the shouting of the people from the crowd.

At Hualian train station they got on the tourist bus again, and went to the Parkview hotel for lunch, which was in a self-service restaurant. The group first went to a private box to take rest and the crew members used the opportunity to install their filming equipment before the restaurant opened its service. The ordinary tourist members of the group wanted to enjoy the nice weather and went out to take some pictures on the lawn in front of the restaurant, some went to the bathroom and at 11 the food was finally served. Rain had his sun glasses on even when he was eating and by walking to and fro he transformed the self-service area into a fashion show runway.  

After Rain ate and drank to his heart’s content, he seemed to be in a good mood, even waved towards a few fans and reporters before getting on the bus.

When they arrived to Taroko, the crew members brought Rain a safety helmet. He was probably afraid that wearing it can shatter his image, so he hesitated for a while and then put it on the top of his own snapback. The production team activated a drone and Rain and the other four MCs enjoyed their walk in the gorge and waved their hands towards the drone. Because the filmmaking crew was afraid that it might be dangerous, they only let the drone to fly very slowly, and kept reminding the tourist groups to be watch out for it. The administration office of the Taroko National Park stated that the production team applied for the permission to fly the drone through the travel agent ahead their arrival.

The production team was flying a drone already in the morning at Hualian train station and some people reported it at the police station, because they considered it illegal. Because it was in the no-flight zone, the production team was asked to show their permission to fly a drone there, but it indicated the permission was only valid in the Taroko National Park. So their activity might be considered as breaking the law. The police stated that they need to examine the written report submitted by those people and to hand it over to the Civil Aviation Administration office to see whether it was illegal or not. If it is confirmed, they can be fined 300 000 – 1 500 000 TWD.

After some half an hour in the Taroko gorge they returned to the bus. 

They organized a competition for the group on the suspension bridge near the Yue Fei Pavilion. The group was divided into two teams, the celebrities and the ordinary tourists. The losing team would have to buy juice for everybody. Their task was to go to the middle of the suspension bridge, to take a picture there, go to the end and then back. Because in the tourist team there wasn’t anybody who was afraid of heights, they managed it in 1 minute and 43 seconds. But in the celebs group Jeong Hyeong-don was too scared and became their burden. It seemed that he even wouldn’t be able to get to the middle of the bridge, but finally with a careful step he made it back and shouted “I am the first!”. But the time of this team was 1 minute and 59 seconds, so they lost the competition.

Around 2 p.m. Rain and the group got to the Green Water rest area. Originally they planned to do some shooting there, but because there were too many tourists who wanted to use the bathroom or to buy some snacks, only after a few minutes they returned to sit in the bus. After 20 minutes they sent Jeong Hyeong-don and Ahn Jung-hwan to buy the drinks the celeb team was supposed to buy after losing the competition on the suspension bridge. But just in that moment a large group of Korean tourists rushed there and started to chase after them. People were shouting: “Hyeong-dong, look over here!” The former member of Korean national football team Ahn Jung-hwan was also encircled by them and some people started to shout – “It’s Carefree Travelers!”, by which they caused a paralysis of the whole rest station. All the shopkeepers there were calling in Korean: “Please, be careful!” After the two of them bought the drinks, they quickly went back to the bus and ended their Taroko trip like this.

Rain arrived back to Hualian and together with the other MCs and the crew members returned to the train station. Again, there was a crowd of fans and a few media waiting for them, people were trying to take pictures and the whole group looked a bit tired after the whole day’s “drill” as tourists. Nobody smiled as they got onto the train back to Taipei. As soon as he was on the train, Rain lowered his head and started to play with his cell phone, he probably wanted to have a while for himself.

19:02 Arrived to Songshan train station in Taipei.

Rain and the group had their dinner in a Korean restaurant at the third floor of Bistro 98 on the crossroad of Da’an Road and Zhongxiao East Road in Taipei. They fully enjoyed the atmosphere and nice smell of their homeland. They had some Korean style fried rice, Korean rice cake pot, and various fried dishes. They all ate to their fill and even the crew members who were so busy the whole day could take some rest there.

Rain was eating for approximately one hour and as he was getting ready to get on the bus and leave, he saw about 50 fans waiting there for him. They were holding cell phones and taking pictures and followed him to the parking lot.

The group arrived to the Raohe Night Street Market. Rain was taking some pictures with his selfie stick. There were again many Korean tourists and as soon as they saw him, they started to call his name. First he stopped at a stand with stinky doufu right under the night market archway and watched tourists’ expressions when they were eating it. But he didn’t look very convinced to try stinky doufu.

Rain and the others took a walk around the night market, they went to the middle of the market and then took another way to go back. He stopped at a stand selling guava and had a few pieces on the spot. The fresh daddy still with the guava in his mouth then approached a shop selling baby cloths as if he wanted to buy something for his daughter. But again, during the shooting they were surrounded by a crowd of fans who were trying to take more pictures and videos of him. A foreigner on the street asked “Who is it? I heard that it is a Korean star, but why are so many people here?” “The one with the black cap is an actor...” Many people kept asking who he was, and when they were told it’s Rain, they commented: “Oh, it’s that one who was with Song Hye-kyo in the Full House!”
At the end they took a picture all together under the archway of the night market and finished their excursion there.
After they finished to shooting for this day, Rain went back to his hotel. Because they were busy shooting the whole day, everybody looked pretty tired, but the fans continued to follow him until his final destination to his hotel. And he didn’t forget to greet them and wish them good night.


[리폿@스타] "나도, 프로 패키저" 정지훈 외 4인, 대만 투어 포착

기사입력 2017-11-07 11:06:49

[TV리포트=박설이 기자] 대만을 찾은 '뭉쳐야 뜬다' 팀이 대만 투어를 제대로 즐기고 있다.

6일 중화권 현지 언론에 따르면 김용만, 김성주, 안정환, 정형돈, 비(정지훈) 등 '뭉쳐야 뜬다' 출연진은 이날 타이베이에 입성해 패키지 투어를 시작했다. 

한류 스타인 비가 '프로 패키저'로 나선만큼 대만 현지 언론의 관심도 뜨거웠다. '뭉쳐야 뜬다' 팀이 가는 곳마다 파파라치와 팬들이 따라붙었다. 아빠가 된 비의 첫 대만 방문인 만큼 그의 행보에 현지의 시선이 집중된 것.

2박 3일간 머물게 될 '정지훈 외 4인' 및 패키지 팀의 첫 행선지는 예류 지질공원. 비는 '뭉쳐야 뜬다' 멤버들과 가위바위보에서 져 인증샷 포인트인 여왕머리 바위 앞에서 대신 줄을 서고, 가위바위보로 아이스크림 내기를 하기도 했다고.

예류 지질공원 관광 뒤 멤버들은 또 다른 대만의 관광명소인 지우펀으로 향했다고 현지 언론은 전했다.

한편 비가 출연하는 JTBC '뭉쳐야 뜬다' 대만 투어 편은11월 28일 방영 예정이다.

박설이 기자 manse@tvreport.co.kr / 사진=hk01



Rain's new album to drop in time for the holidays

Shelly M on Tue, Nov 07, 2017

Rain is ready to end his almost 4 year music hiatus! The Please Come Back, Mister star plans to release a 5-track mini-album just in time for the holidays.

His new project won't be a Christmas-inspired album, rather it will be a hip urban rock collection. Rain's latest singles and dramas have kept fans satisfied for awhile, but now that the new dad has settled into married life, he's ready to entertain fans on the live stage. His label recently released this statement about his upcoming music plans: "He is putting on the finishing touches of his album with a comeback aimed at December 1st."


Rain had a busy year in his personal life. He married the lovely actress Kim Tae Hee in January, honeymooned in Bali and the USA, and then welcomed a new daughter on October 25. 

On the professional side, the 35-year-old idol filmed the Korean movie Uhm Bok Dong and perfected his role in the Endless August TV series scheduled to debut in China next year. He's also been a host and mentor on KBS' music reality program The Unit since last month.

All the best to Rain on his comeback! Do you hope more songs about his married life are included in the album? Who would you love for him to collaborate with?








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